My name is Katie and I'm a data analyst/engineer, visualization enthusiast, crocheter, and generalist. I like to make web apps and explore different types of data using R and Python. For a while I was into javascript, and before that I made animated charts and graphics with Adobe products. Of course, my first love is Excel.
Check out some of the things I've worked on.
No more sorting through lists of names alphabetically because I made an app to simplify the name search process! You can look up names by different letter patterns and track their popularity over time. Perfect for naming your baby, pet, or fictional character.
Some friends and I like to come up with funny combinations of names like Jimothy and Vladimiranda. So I decided to make an app to generate mashups based on any name you enter. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
Speaking of mashups, I love to combine my passions, so I have a series of posts focusing on R and crocheting.
Continuing the crochet/R gglplot2 series with some musings on making hexagons and cirlces.
For my fellow hexagon appreciators, I present some cool hexagon patterns for you.
Code yourself some evil eye protection with these functions.
View a sample quarterly report created with AMcharts JS. Select a geographic location at the top to update all charts on the page.
View my interactive Game of Thrones chart, made wtih svg.js and jQuery. Spoiler Alert: it details the Stark kids (including Jon Snow) and their connections to their Direwolves.
Take a look at some of my old school graphics here. Some were made for professional projects but many of them were made for fun about some of my favorite topics. Most were designed and created in Adobe Illustrator. I usually animated the gifs with Adobe Fireworks.